Monday, June 22, 2009

Unlock the Power of Your Mind With Hypnosis

I wouldn’t normally blog about an event but this one is that important. If you want to change your outer world, change your inner mind. My good friend Dr. Steven Roth is hosting this amazing event this week. If you can make it I highly recommend you attend. I will be there personally. I hope to see you there.
Are you willing to accept financial success and prosperity while helping
If you answered yes then read on!
As promised we are bringing all the way from California
World Renown
Hypnosis Trainer
Dr. Shelly Stockwell-Nicholas Ph.D.
In addition to practicing Hypnosis for 29 years, Shelly is the Founder and President of the International Hypnosis Federation. She has trained thousands of people to be professional hypnotists. She is currently the author of 12 books, a college teacher, and keynote speaker. Shelly has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows including the Phil Danaher Show and most recently Good Morning America. Her own show, The Shelly Show, won an Angel Award of Excellence for outstanding cable TV. Television shows use her sweeps and everyone from the LA Times to the National Enquirer call Shelly
"Today's Premiere Hypnosis Expert."
All this and she has agreed to come and certify MIAMI's Finest!!!!!!
June 25-28 2009
Certification Price: $1297
Financing Available
Here are some of the things people have to say about Dr. Stockwell:
"The one thing people are more private about than their sex life is their money. Leave it to Shelly to bring people to a financial orgasm that is proud and loud."
"Dr. Judy" Kuriansky Generation Sex, and The Complete Idiots Guide To A Healthy Relationship
"Thank you Shelly, this stuff works! I've doubled my income and my life perked up too."
J. Tessler Hypnotherapist
"The Stockwell System has everything you need to know about hypnosis as a personal tool or as a career. Hypnosis can help you eliminate fears, quit smoking, lose weight, and find happiness and success quickly and easily. "
Lynn Lofthouse,C. Ht.

"Shelly Stockwell's hypnosis course transformed my life. It gave me workable tools to quickly and simply deal with limiting patterns and the gratification of helping others."
Beryl Middleton, N.D.

The program offered through the
Hypnosis Institute for Progress will give you the tools, training, skills, and information you need to be successful in this growing field.
Did you know that:
Hypnotherapy is scientifically proven and has been accepted by the American Medical Association since 1958, American Dental Association and American Psychological Association since 1960
1956 Pope Pius XII gave his approval of hypnosis lists hypnotherapy as #1 in it's list of top 5 interesting careers on earth says "hypnotherapy is a hot career choice and ranks among the top 5 highest paying careers without a degree"
since 1990 hypnotherapy has become one of the fastest growing fields in the county yet more and more hypnotherapists are needed as the demand grows
your current practice or job can easily expand by offering hypnosis as an adjunct to what you already do such as; makeup artists, aestheticians, nurses, massage therapists, doctors, teachers, chiropractors, personal trainers, yoga instructors, etc.
Hypnosis is quickly becoming the most sought after modality of alternative therapy today
Hypnosis as a career offers freedom because you control your schedule, work place, and income by working when you want with whom you want
Hypnosis as a career allows you to target the area of expertise that interest you most
After the investment in your certification you can start immediately with your phone and your talent
Enroll now! Do your part to help yourself so you can help the world

Hurry!!! Call Now To Register
Limited Seating Available
In this Live Weekend Hypnosis Training, you will learn:
Exactly what hypnosis is: how to dispel common myths
Powerful Hypnotic Tests: you can use with anyone to demonstrate hypnosis
Foolproof ways to hypnotize anybody: once you know what to say it's that easy
Tools and interventions: Learn to work with smoking, weight loss, pain control, stress reduction, and more...
Self-hypnosis: learn to use hypnosis to change your own habits and beliefs, and propel yourself to the future of your dreams
Complete Certification by IHF(International Hypnosis Federation)
How to set up your practice profitably and successfully
And much, much more
We reward people who take action, this means for the first 10 people who register and pay in full, you will receive additional bonuses;
Bonus #1:
One on one marketing consultation to discover your brand, niche, and how to grow your new Hypnotherapy Practice with Hypnocoach Marketing Expert
Amy Emme
A $2500 Value

Bonus #2
Conference Booster Hypnosis Session with
Dr. Steven Roth
A $500.00 Value

Bonus #3
Hypnosis Scripts to ensure success every time in any situation

To your future!
With Love,
Dr. Steven Roth
Hypnosis Institute for Progress
If you have any question call me on my cell at 305-984-3909

Or feel free to contact me through

Erik Elsea

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