Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Manifest the Life You Have Always Wanted

5 Steps to Manifesting Things Fast

Set your intention not a goal. An intention is a way of living that is permanent whereas a goal has a clear ending point. An intention would be something like living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy size and weight. A goal would be I am going to lose ten pounds by July. Put your intention down on paper because if it is not written it is already lost.

Be grateful for what you currently have. Every day preferably in the morning or to start your day off write down five things you are grateful for. No matter how hard life is right now there are things to be grateful for. By doing this you are telling the universe that you are grateful for what you are receiving and the universe will then provide you more.

Create a vision board. The best way to achieve what you want is to visualize it. On a poster board or corkboard put pictures of what you want to attract in your life. These would be pictures of your dream home or car, a couple in a loving relationship, a scene from somewhere you’ve always wanted to travel. Put this board somewhere you will see it often. This will remind you and your subconscious mind what you want the universe to provide to you. I believe this is the most important step and yet I know so many people who won’t do this. If you want to change your life then stop what you are doing right now and go create a vision board. What you think about you bring about. Energy flows where attention goes. Visualize the life you desire and you shall receive it.

Set your action steps. These are the steps you are going to take to live your intention. This is where the goal setting comes in. Write them down often and look at them consistently in the “I AM…” form. These steps need to be specific and measurable. For instance “I am going to the gym three times a week.” “I am down to 130 lbs. by July 1st.”

Act as “if”. Buy an outfit in the size you desire to be. Go sit in the car you desire on the showroom floor or better yet test drive it. Experience with all your senses the new car smell, the roar of the engine, the way you fit in the seat like a glove. Go to open houses in neighborhoods that you would love to live in. Picture the way you would have it decorated. Imagine the kids playing in the living room. Open the cabinets and picture where your going to put your dishes. If you want to be an author start writing a blog, and tell people you are an author. You are telling the universe you are ready.

For more information or to participate in the manifestation forum go to: www.manifestitfast.com

Erik Elsea

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