Monday, April 6, 2009

Slow Down to Speed Up!

Slow Down to Speed Up!

This topic is fitting because my favorite racing series, NASCAR, just finished racing in Martinsville, VA this past weekend. This track is ideal for applying this principle, Slow down to speed up. The reason for this is that if you overdrive the car, you will not get the most traction and cannot speed up coming out of the turn as quickly. Rather than over- driving the car into the turn, by slowing up a little you can carry your momentum through the turn and accelerate out. By going just a bit slower, your overall lap times actually improve.

This might be one of the hardest concepts I have had to learn. My personality wants everything right now. I am the king of instant gratification. When I see something I think looks good, I go charging at it like a bull. In business this has caused me to invest without doing the proper research. In relationships I have made life-changing decisions without truly getting to know the person. Because I went charging in, I lost traction and went skidding into a wall. If I had slowed down and reflected on what I was doing, I would have been able to maintain control, make educated decisions and avoid problems for myself and those around me. By slowing down I would not have lost the momentum in my life and, even though there was a turn to make, I could have easily accelerated through it.

Yesterday we stood back and realistically calculated the amount of time we can devote to our goal each day. We also asked ourselves how long we thought it would take to reach our goal, committing ourselves to it. Today I am asking you to get organized. If you have decided to devote one hour of each day to work on your goal, then block that time out of each and every day. Put it in your planner. Mark it on your calendar. Remind yourself of this commitment! Remember, if you cannot keep commitments to yourself, to whom can you keep them?

A personal goal was a healthier lifestyle. Now I go to the gym 6 days a week. I don’t feel guilty about its affecting any other aspect of my life because it’s the commitment I have made to myself. If your one goal is better health, do something similar. Block a daily amount of time for working out or taking a walk. Every day! Whatever step you have to take on a daily basis to move you closer to your goal, do it. Now put this time commitment in your journal!

Erik Elsea

Word of the Day! Time—every moment there has ever been or ever will be.
Let’s make the most of our committed time.

Quote of the Day! Willingness without action is imagination. −unknown

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