Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Increase Your Speed by Drafting!

On super speedways, racers use the technique of drafting to increase their speed. Drafting is when one car tucks in behind another car, lessening the effect of drag from the air. Basically two or more cars running in a line can go faster than one car by itself. Resistance from the air is drastically reduced when in the draft.

This technique can be used in life as well. I know this is going to come as a shock to some of you, but whatever problem or goal you have has been had by someone before you. Why are you fighting the resistance by yourself? Why not follow someone who has been there before? You could drastically reduce the drag on your own life by tucking in behind someone who has paved the way.

I want to fight my alcoholism, so I surround myself with people who are sober and have managed to stay that way. I go to meetings and listen to how they accomplish and maintain their sobriety. I talk to people who have years of experience. They have been in my shoes before, and they are now where I want to be. Sure, I could have tried to quit on my own. I might have been able to do it. Those race cars can definitely make it the 500 miles around Indianapolis by themselves, but they increase their speed by drafting.

The fastest way to get to where you want to be in life is to follow someone who has been there before and laid out the path to success. If you want to start a new business, research the industry. See what has worked and what hasn’t for people who have been there before. If you want to improve your health quicker, do research online or in the library about health and wellness from quality professional trainers and nutritionists. If you want to invest, spend some time and do the required research on that investment. See how similar investments have worked for others.

Others in the personal development industry may say, “Be a leader, not a follower.” I see where they are coming from, but, on the other hand, why not use successful techniques rather than fighting your way through life by yourself. I recently attended a seminar in which the speaker advised the crowd to “Ready, Fire, Aim.” While it motivated the audience members to get off the fence and make a change in their life, I know from experience that it’s not that simple. If you hold down the gas while entering a turn and then try to point the car in the right direction, you will almost certainly crash and burn. I have seen this many times, especially in today’s economy: people have jumped into an investment or started a business without knowing enough and have been hurt financially. Surround yourself with people who have been successful, and you will avoid making some very costly mistakes.

Be grateful for those who have gone down these roads before. Learn from them. Do the research. If you follow a proven leader, then you will get to the end of the race much faster than going it alone.

Today I want you to list as many of your good qualities as you can. After you’ve made your list, ask three of the people closest to you to do the same. Then compare these lists. Do those close to you recognize similar qualities in you? Are there differences? Give some thought to what others see in you.

Erik Elsea


Word of the Day! Receive—to come into possession of, acquire.
Let’s start receiving all that is available to us in this world.

Quote of the Day! “When my world is small, my problems seem big, but when my world is big, my problems seem small” −unknown (i.e., Expand your world!)

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