Monday, April 13, 2009

Fast Lane to Success Life Coaching!

Fast Lane Coaching!

Why do I compare life to racing? Why do I use racing metaphors in my writing? I believe my affinity for racing comes from trying to control something that is uncontrollable. All my life I have tried to stay in the fast lane. Racing has always seemed a good fit for me. It’s high speed excitement, the same kind of thrill one gets from a roller coaster ride or downhill skiing.

Racing, however, is entertainment; a life that is out of control is not. Is your life out of control right now? Are you struggling with addiction, financial problems or a bad relationship? These things are not fun, yet many of us continue to manifest them in our lives. Why? Why do we keep bringing the same problems into our lives over and over again? Why do we continue to do things that are destructive?

We create patterns in our life because of our programming, the way we perceive ourselves. If you do not love yourself, then you will not receive love from your partner. If you do not think you are worthy of wealth, then you will continue to struggle financially. Until I started to value my life, I could not fight my addictions even though I knew they were destructive. I needed to get out of that fast lane and into one that was more my speed.

Don’t get me wrong: this is not always easy. Often there are deep-rooted issues in our subconscious that cause a pattern of self-destruction. The only way to make a change in your life is to realize “I MUST change!” Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom. It takes looking into the mirror and saying, “Enough is enough!” That’s the day you also say and believe—truly, truly believe!—“I am worth so much more than this. I am worthy of anything I desire!”

Addictions, bad relationships, financial problems all cause drama in our lives. You feel like your life is moving 100 mph, but in the wrong direction. Get out of that fast lane and into the one that sends your life speeding toward success.

We have stated our intentions in present tense with our “I AM….” statements. We have listed what we are grateful for today in our lives. We have made a list of our “Action Steps” toward achieving our goal and have organized our game plan with a checklist. Today I want you to do something that will probably make you a bit uncomfortable at first. I want you to lock yourself in the bathroom or anywhere with absolutely no distractions and stare at yourself in the mirror for 5 minutes. I want you to really look at yourself. I want you to fall in love with yourself. Most people need to do this at least once a week to get the results I am expecting. We all initially look for what is wrong. We find wrinkles and blemishes. But we are all wonderful people, and we should all love ourselves first and foremost. Look at yourself deeply and realize how special you are.

Erik Elsea

Word of the Day!- Must-1. to be commanded or requested to; 2. to be compelled by physical necessity to
We need to turn our wants into musts.

Quote of the Day!-“Reality is an illusion…albeit a very persistent one.”-Albert Einstein

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