Thursday, May 28, 2009

Paralysis by Analysis!

Paralysis by Analysis!

Being the huge racing fan I am, I consider Days of Thunder one of my favorite movies. In that movie Cole Trickle, played by Tom Cruise, is advised to head right toward the smoke during any crash in front of him; by the time he gets there, the spinning cars involved in the wreck should have slid down the track and out of the way. At 180 miles per hour, a driver does not have the luxury of time to analyze all of the information thrust at him in a crash situation. If Cole had had to hit the brakes to slow down to make a decision whether to go high or low on the track, odds are that he would have been hit from behind, sending him spinning and probably wrecking himself.

Instead, there was a plan in place before that set of circumstances ever arose. He knew to head right toward the smoke, without letting off the gas, without slowing down. He did not have to think in that situation because there was a plan in place beforehand. Because of the smoke, he would not know if the track were clear ahead of him or not. He could not be sure of the outcome. He just had to trust. He had to believe in the plan.

In life I see so many people who want to move forward but are not willing to make a plan. They dream of winning but do not trust in either themselves or the plan. Because they cannot see through the smoke, they are not willing to go charging in, even when they know that victory could be waiting for them on the other side.

We all need to decide what we really want in life. Then we need to ask ourselves, “What am I willing to do to get what I want?” Formulate a plan and go for it! Until you do, you will continue to be involved in life’s wrecks with no shot at victory.

Erik Elsea

Quote of the Day!- “Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when its opened.”

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