Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do You Play Victim?

Playing the Victim
In racing one sees a lot of post-race interviews in which one driver blames another for getting him loose or spinning him out, causing a wreck. I am amazed that drivers have such a hard time taking responsibility for what happens on the track. In racing, as in life, few things happen over which we have no control. A series of events usually occurs before a wreck, and often the wreck could have been avoided. It troubles me when drivers get in front of the camera after a race and play victim.
This is an important issue for me personally. I have spent a good deal of my life in victim mode. However, when I honestly look in the mirror and take full responsibility for my life, I am able to move forward. As a life coach I find many people who do not realize that they have created everything in their life. Placing the blame on others and not owning up to the fact that they are responsible for the life they lead are the primary obstacles that hold back most people. The Law of Attraction states this: everything we have in our lives we have created—good and bad.
If you want to change your life, then start owning it. Take a good, long look in the mirror and realize that you are where you are today because you choose to be—the result of your past thoughts and actions. Today, however, you are choosing to take control of your life and be completely responsible for future outcomes.
When you have negative feelings or are dealing with a difficult situation, assess whether you are in victim mode. Analyze your thoughts and, if you are thinking of yourself as a victim, reevaluate and change your role. Take ownership of your life, and you will finally be in control of your own destiny.
Erik Elsea
Quote of the Day!-“Some men see things as they are and say ‘Why?’ I dream things that never were and say ‘Why Not?’” – George Bernard Shaw

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